Ensuring the Best Experience
I go out of my way to make sure my valued clients have the best experience possible, from the minute they enter Main Street Barber Co. Frisco to the moment they leave the barbershop. Please take a moment to review our policies to ensure you understand our operations procedures. If you have any questions, just get in touch and I’ll be happy to help.
Just Let Us Know
Stuff happens, and sometimes you need to cancel your appointment with us. We get it. If you need to cancel more than 12 hours before your appointment, just give us a call or shoot us a message letting us know. If you don’t let us know or have to cancel less than 12 hours before your appointment, we take 50% of the appointment as a fee. Talk to us to find out more.
Inform Us in Advance
We understand that due to your busy schedule, you may find yourself running late. If you think you are going to be late, please call and let us know. If you are more than 15 minutes late, your appointment may be reopened or given away to another client. In the events of showing up past the 15 minute mark, that will qualify as a no-show and will result in 50% of your appointment being taken as a fee.
No Call, No Show
Dont Be That Person
We understand that life is unpredictable, and things happen. Please also understand that this is a professional business with time sensitive services. The last thing we want is the be prepared for our customers and no one shows or informs us that they wouldn't be present. With instances like this we do charge 100% of the appointment as a fee for not only taking up our time but taking up availability for other clientele. So if at all possible please reach out to us before hand and reschedule your appointment for a more suitable time frame.